About Us
Tri-County Drilling, Inc. provides its clients with a broad scope of geotechnical, environmental,
and water well drilling, sampling and development services. This range of services includes
production well installation and testing up to 2000gpm, drilling on helicopter access sites in
mountainous terrain, inclinometer installations on steep hillsides, hard rock core drilling to
1600 feet, deployment of multiple rigs for short completion projects, and countless conventional
drilling, sampling, and well installation projects over the past 20 years. Our extensive and
varied experience allows us to provide our clients with the expertise and equipment to safely
complete even the most difficult projects.
Tri-County Drilling, Inc. provides the following:
Drilling Methods
- Hollow Stem Auger up to 10 1/4" inner diamater
- Mud Rotary up to 28" diameter borings
- Air Rotary/DTH up to 12" diameter borings
- Hard rock diamond coring - NQ & HQ sizes
- Direct Push - conventional and dual tube
- Angle Drilling
- All Terrain
- Limited Access
- Helicopter/fly-in Drilling
Sampling Methods
- SPT and split spoon 1.5", 2.0", and 2.5"
- Shelby Tube 2.5" and 3.0"
- Dennison Piston 3.0"
- CME continuous sampler 2.5", 3.5", and 5.0"
- Pitcher
- Soil Gas/Vapor
- Driven Well Points
- Hydropunch style water sampling
- Continuous triple tube wireline rock coring with HQ, NQ, and NWD4 systems
- 140lb. CME Auto Hammer
Wells and Subsurface Installations
- Thermacouple™ Ground Source Earth Energy System Installation
- Piezometers
- Inclinometers
- Grounding Rods
- Cathodic Protection Anodes
- Monitoring Wells
- Soil Vapor Extraction Wells
- Production Water Wells: domestic, irrigation, municipal water supply, de-watering
- Subsurface Instrumentation
- Well Destruction/Abandonment
Aquifer Testing/Characterization
- Test Pumping from 3gpm to 300gpm
- Packer testing with wireline straddle system with 1gpm to 200gpm injection rates
- Slug testing
- Flow meters 0.5gpm to 1200gpm
- Discrete sampling
- Step draw down and constant rate pumping test