You can find detailed information about a few of the specific services we offer to our clients,
as well as some specifications on the equipment we use by clicking on one of the links to the left in the expanded
Services section. Our drilling capabilities are also outlined below. If you would like to learn more, please
Contact Us.
Hollow Stem Auger Drilling
Mud Rotary, Air Percussion and Air Rotary Drilling, ODEX Casing Advance
HQ and NX Diamond Core Drilling by Wireline and conventional methods (single and dual tube) using air or fluid circulation mediums
Continuous Sampling, Drive Sampling, Shelby Tube Sampling, Standard Penetration Tests
Wireline Single and Straddle Packer Testing
Well Destruction, Grouting
Permeability Testing, Aquifer/Pump Testing
Installation of Monitoring Wells and Water Wells
Well Development and Testing by Pumping, Surge Blocking, Bailing and Air Lift
Limited Access Coring, Air Percussion, Hollow Stem Auger, and Angle Drilling
Geoprobe Direct Push/Probe Drilling and Sampling
Horizontal Water Wells and Borings
Off Road Drilling with All Terrain Rig